Add Photos and PDFs to Invoices

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In January, we released the ability to add photos and PDFs to Estimates and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! Customers are approving estimates faster than before, likely because the attached photos and documents provide greater clarity and confidence. Today, we are proud to announce that we’ve extended this functionality to Invoices as well! This will allow you to send final design renderings, warranty information, product documentation, and any other media along with your invoice.

Attaching Files to Invoices

When attaching files, you have a couple options depending on whether the file is specific to that invoice only, or whether it’s a common file that you plan to use on many invoices. For one-time files unique to a specific invoice, you can upload them directly using the Upload button. If it’s a common file you plan to use many times, that’s where the Company Media Library comes into play. You can upload files to the Company Media Library and attach them to any invoice from there.

Additional Features and Fixes

In addition to adding attachments on invoices, the latest release includes several additional features and fixes:

  • Added the company logo defined on the Billing Settings to email notifications for estimates, jobs, and invoices.
  • Added the client’s company name directly below their name on the Jobs list page.
  • Enhanced the mobile user experience with the following items:
    • Added a tip above the calendar on the schedule view indicating a long-press is required on an open time slot to launch the create job dialog.
    • Enhanced the calendar’s toolbar to stack vertically in mobile mode to prevent crowding.
    • Updated the job configuration dialog on the schedule to consume the full height making it easier to view more fields without scrolling.
    • Added a tip on the top of the dashboard with information on how to access the menu system.
    • Added a scroll down and scroll up indicator on the mobile side menu to make it more apparent when scrolling is available.
    • Fixed minor padding issues when viewing invoices and estimates for the comments and attachments sections.
  • Enhanced the Field Service Management onboarding experience for new users by adding information on top-level pages describing their functionality and tips on how to get started.
  • Modified the user flow for starting a new 14-day trial and added additional instructions.
  • Updated social link validation on profiles to allow URLs in addition to
  • Enhanced the auto-rating process for newly verified customers to merge in reviews that were previously done if the emails match.

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